Thursday, 28 February 2013

audio for my final production

Initial ideas

  •  i thought about using music
  •  i thought of having diary entries by the main actor
  •  i thought of using a music track - like the 'end of the world by REM'
  • i thought of have a news broadcast
but i wanted a more silent feel.....

I found this poem: 

ities buried           streets forgotten
warehouses ransacked and abandoned for the south.
We love         we breathe
light footprints of our passing through the snow.
What would we say?   And how say it?
Who would we talk to?   And how could they answer?
Buildings break beneath the ice
the bridges fall and there are less of us each year.
Like arctic animals we burrow through the wreckage
of the city underground.
And high above   where once the escalators climbed into the light
the tunnels terminate in breathing walls of ice.
Here in the dark
within the stone walls of the ancient hospital
below the copper roofs
and buried by the glaciers on all sides
Here in blood and wailing
anchored in breathing and inflexible resolve
we have sent this letter to the next world.
Archangel of the frozen colony
whose sign is fire   whose feet are locked in ice
We leave you more than this             than blowing snow
or permafrost a football field below.
This is the breath of the last words spoken
bubbling up
the frozen evidence of love
like nitrogen in glass
our histories etched into the worlds
we will not live to know.
here are my first words to use
  • quiet
  • silent
  • doors open
  • nobody around
  • snow
  • weather
  • buildings
  • breathing
  • thinking
  • hungry
  • people?

Friday, 22 February 2013

draft film review

Tedium from ryanfisher43

I have chosen to do my film review in the style of Empire Magazine, i chose to do this because then i could include a real Empire Magazine film review to give it the real affect. I believe that that this is a good first draft for my short film review because it includes media terms and created a want/need to watch the film for the readers self.  Although I do believe it will have to have some slight editing to be done because of font style and a couple of other small errors but i wait to speak to my Teacher about this to make sure I do not make it any worse. I presented this to my class they gave me feedback of the work that...
-there was to much white space
-the advert did not align with the rest of the article
-the other film review on the bottom ruined the style of the article
-needs more pictures from the film
-improve the clarity of the single picture.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Research; distrebusion of my short film.

films can be Distributed by many different ways,

~streaming is where the film is sent via Internet to a television or console, this is done by such retailers such as netfilx, lovefilm. these are now becoming a big money way of selling film to the captive audience. Over these retailers you rent the film for so long which is streamed to your device, this is the more modern way to rent over going out to your local Blockbuster and physically renting the film, this way you do not have to leave the house to rent or return.

~streaming is also a bad thing it can be stolen through illigal downloading, this is becoming more and more of a problem to film makes such as Warner and Warp films.

-socail networking is free advertising to the film producers, this allows them to advertise up and comming films, the users of facebook (over 845 million active users) will comment on the film to there friends unintentionally advertising there film to others.
this graph I found on Q:\Art & Media Faculty\media\KS5\AS\CASE STUDY UNIT BRITISH FILM INDUSTRY\audiences\How moviegoers at different ages use technology  Company Town  Los Angeles Times.htm
shows that my target audience is the main age of consumer which would stream or download a film, this is one of the reasons I chose the audience I did, 15-30 males.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

poster ideas.

these are all pictures of what i may use for my posters in Teaser posters, or theatrical.

i have chosen these screen shots from my short film because i feel that they capture the depth and mystery of my short film. These screen shots can be used in all 3 types of poster; teaser, theatrical and character. The last one of the poster ideas was what I chose is the best idea for a poster because...
-natural white space for writing
-can keep to the style of my short film by having the writing on the right hand side.
-creates a memorable image.
-it would work on a billboard and poster.

I am planning to have my poster review and poster ideas completed by the end of this week allowing me to have plenty of time to do my evaluation of my short film which is worth conciderable marks, just as many as my whole blog.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

prezi of my poster analysis

This is my analysis of two different poster analysis's, and follows on to my own trying to bring in my own perspective of my chosen poster which I believed related to my own short film. 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Tittle ideas for my short film, TEDIUM.

reflective comment- Do I want descriptive or symbolic???
Should my tittle give a hint as to how to read the film?

Style needs to fit with the graphics/typography and credits=consistency.

CIRCULAR: more to do with spherical or rounded.
MONOTONOUS: dull, boring, samey, repetitive, tedious.   ???tedium???
PERPETUAL: uninterrupted, eternal, terminal, lasting, unending.

I decided to look at tittles which linked into my film such as how the film repeats itself in certain places. This is why i chose to analyze these words.

I believe that now looking back at the work i did before filming my film i should have came up with a brief idea of what i wanted the film to be called so i had an idea of which direction i wanted my film to go in, if i had the chance to redo this work i would definitely think of title options before filming.
I chose to use this name because I believe that my audience will be on the intellectual level to understand what is meant by the short film.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

my first film review.

My review of the Due Date review.
I believe that I did go into enough detail although missed out some small pieces of relevant infomation about this magazine article. From analyzing this magazine article I have learnt that I would prefer to do my magazine article in the style of Empire magazine because it is easily laid out for the consumer to understand, also my TA are more likely to read this magazine. It allows for colour to be brought into the article within tittles etc.

  • Blue tittles
  • Right hand side is description
  • columns 
  • single large picture with smaller around.
  • verdict at the end
  • easy enough lay out to get similar.

Reviewing film reviews lay out and how to analyse.

Model example focus structure and layout.
-sub tittles
Analyse the body of text-terminology(media+film)
literacy level: -elaborated
                    -restricted         -code/ mode of adress- formal? informal?
                                            -narrative focus -teaser-critical-promotional
Audience type: -film buffs/experts+fans
                       -entertainment seekers
                       -General->sunday suppliment
                       -demographics/age/gender/class              terminology-online
                       -star fans
                       -techno geeks
Does the magasine/source of the review merit or discount the review of the film due to the institution who are commenting/reviewing the film.
-Total Film
Reflective comment:
From analyzing this magazine review I learnt quite a lot to help me create my own magazine review. My analysis of this review is in the post above on the blue postits. I believe that me doing this analysis has helped me to realize what type of film review page I would like to do. This review is very formal and I believe that it is written to address an older audience of a maturer age. This is, in its form the type of style I will probably go for. If I choose to do a review this way, I would have to chose 4-5 other films like or unlike mine which I could review also. As this may be hard a good idea may be to review my classmates work and apply them in short reviews on the page.