I have chosen to do a brief narrative outline because I believe that when I come to filming my short film it will come in handy to have a brief description on what I am aiming for, doing this small task has helped my to elaborate on what I want my short film to be.
1. open with old footage of normal everyday life. 'filming him and his girlfriend opening a birthday present to show what life used to be, which is a contrast to life now.' flickers to the present time which allows you to contrast the two times, the character starts to reflect on what is happening... how he hasnt seen anyone, who and how.
2. getting ready in his clothes, he looks rough... scared tired. starts packing a bag to go and travel to find people. He packs plenty of things which you would not expect..biscuits... tinned food, spoon, one sock, no clothes, some tablets.
3. film showing him cycling past his car?why? on a woman bike basket.
4. sky as he talks to the camera. then flicks between locations, field, forest, cities... showing and suggesting an emotional degrade and physiological problems...
1. i chose to drop the old footage because i believed that it would be to confusing for the viewer with no background story as they would consistently be trying to figure out what the beginning was about.
we chose to do narrative over the top due to it being more 'in the head' of the character this is to show his metal illness as well as the days merging, i believe that this is a great way to create a need/want to know and see more of the character.